In today’s business world Competition Law plays a central role in regulating business with few areas of economic activity beyond its reach. It governs Anti-Competitive and Unfair Market Practices, Mergers and Acquisitions, Product Liability, Natural Monopoly Regulation. Thus if you need a Competition Law Firm in Ethiopia our law office,MELKAMU OGO LAW OFFICE, is ready and available to provide its full-fledged services to you in Addis Ababa and throughout Ethiopia. Our Law Office provides legal advice and representation on Competition Law and Competition Law related issues on a wide range of clients from various sectors of investment, ranging from major International Corporations and Industry Associations to Private Individuals.
We represent our clients at the relevant government organs like Ethiopian Intellectual Property Office (EIPO), The Trade Practices and Consumer Protection Authority, Ethiopian Federal and Regional Courts…etc. Our Competition Law Attorneys regularly advise these clients on both day-to-day compliance matters of Ethiopian Competition Law as well as extraordinary events. Our Competition Lawyers take a proactive and practical approach, working closely with clients to ensure them to realize their strategic business objectives while complying with the Competition Act of Ethiopia.
Our practice in Ethiopian Competition Law is further enriched by our wide practice on Tax, Merger and Acquisitions, Due Diligence, Labour and Employment, Intellectual Property, Tort /Extra Contractual, Litigation and Dispute Resolution, Criminal Cases and Defense…etc.
Our works of Legal Advice and/or Representation include:
Mergers and Acquisitions; Mergers, Joint Ventures, Trade associations and Strategic Alliances;
Planning and Compliance, Compliance Programs and Audits; Consumer Protection; Merger Clearance
Civil Antitrust Litigation and Criminal Defense; Regulatory Investigations and Litigation; Class Action;
Distribution and Marketing Issues; Supply Arrangements (including issues involving Distribution and Franchise Networks …etc)
Intellectual Property Compliance and Protection;
Deceptive Trade Services, Consumer Protection and Advertising and Promotional Activities;
International Trade; Abuse of dominance cases; Cartels;
Access and Regulated Industries;
Cartelization, Price-Fixing, Tying, Price Discrimination; Monopolization, and Vertical Restraints, Strategic Pricing Decisions, Structuring Distribution and Licensing Agreements, Potential Competitor collaborations